Although we are no longer using this system, our past queries are avaiable in case you might find them helpful.
I'm trying to find the burial place for my ancestor, William Baskin. It is
said that during the Civil War, when he was an old man, he and his wife were
forced to flee their home in Arkansas, and they died near Cairo, Illinois,
and were buried there. Cause of death is not clear. They "died within four
hours of each other." Some have told me they were killed by bushwhackers,
some that they died from disease. Nobody seems to know for sure. information
collected from the internet -
William Calhoun Baskin
Born 22 FEB
1782 in Lowndesville, Abbeville, South Carolina, USA
Died 2 NOV 1865 in
Cairo, Alexander, Illinois, USA
"During the Civil War, William
[Baskin], [his wife] Rebecca, and a number of families, traveled North
because of the hard and dangerous times in Johnson Co [Johnson County,
Arkansas]. Bushwackers were robbing, torturing and murdering and taking
anything of value. Thomas and Rebecca died within four hours of each other
on the return trip down the river. They were taken off the ship and and
buried in Cairo, IL."
"William Baskin and his wife Rebecca came from
South Carolina to Tennessee and on to Arkansas in 1839. During the Civil War
(1861-1865), bushwackers made it unsafe for older people to travel. A party
of 20 or more including William and Rebecca made their way to the
Mississippi River and started North by boat. They died within 4 hours of
each other and were buried at Cairo, Illinois."
Brian Cotner, M.D.
I am looking to find if there is a Beech River Cemetery near Mounds, Pulaski
County, IL? Any information will be appreciated. At this cemetery may be the
graves of Dr. Samuel B. Cary, d. 1927, and his wife, Sallie Ingabo (Bird)
Cary, d. 1921. They were longtome residents of Cairo, Illinois.
Reply 2019 Oct 24 - The names of the two cemeteries are Beech Grove and
Beechwood. They are both at Mounds; and one is on one side of the road, and
one is on the other side of the road. Deborah Cox
Reply 2019 Oct 28 -
They are buried at Beechwood Cemetery, according to 'Where They Sleep,';
vol. 4, p149.
Cape Girardeau MO |
Union | |
![]() |
Pulaski | |
Scott MO | Mississippi MO | Ballard KY |