Persons who died during the year ending May 31, 1880:
ABERNATHY, William ~ born IL, White Male age 9/12
ADAMS, Edward ~ born 1838
TN, White Male age 42
ADAMS, Geo S ~ born IL, White Male age 10/12
Infant ~ born IL, Black Female age 1/12
ADAMS, Jake ~ born 1830 VA, Black
Male age 50
ADAMS, Joseph ~ born 1879 AL, White Male age 1
Ann ~ born IL, White Female age 12/30
ALEXANDER ~ born IL, Black Female age
ALLEN, Lemuel ~ born 1877 IL, Black Male age 3
ANTROP, W C ~ born IL,
White Male age 3/12
ARNDT, John ~ born 1835 Poland, White Male age 45
ARTER, Chas D ~ born 1831 PA, White Male age 49
ARTER, Daniel ~ born 1798 MD,
White Male age 82
ARTER, Gracy ~ born 1878 IL, White Female age 2
BANKSTON, Jasper ~ born 1842 IL, White Male age 38
BARBER, Wm ~ born 1861
IL, White Male age 19
BARNHARD, Addie ~ born 1879 IL, White Female
age 1
BASS, Infant ~ born IL, Black Male age 1/12
BELCHER, Chely ~
born IL, White Male age 10/12
BELCHER, George ~ born 1833 IL, White Male
age 47
BENEFIELD, C. C. ~ born 1878 IL, White Male age 2
~ born 1852 GA, Black Female age 28
BISHOP, Edward ~ born IL, White Male
age 1/30
BLANTON, Annie ~ born 1877 IL, Black Female age 3
Nettie ~ born 1879 KY, White Female age 1
BLYE, Sarah ~ born 1820 IL,
Black Female age 60
BOGER, Daniel ~ born 1836 NC, White Male age 44
BRACKEN, Joseph ~ born IL, White Male age 7/12
BRADLEY, Mary ~ born 1867
TN, Black Female age 13
BRANKLE, Ada ~ born IL, White Female age 6/12
BRASHEAR, Amelia ~ born 1843 TN, Black Female age 37
BRIEDEN, G ~ born
1879 IL, White Male age 1
BRISSON, A J ~ born 1851 KY, White Male age 29
BROON, Jno ~ born 1859 IL, White Male age 21
BROSHIRE, Robt ~ born 1877
IL, White Male age 3
BROWN, Rebecca ~ born 1811 NC, White Female age 69
BUCKLEY, J. M. ~ born 1879 IL, White Male age 1
BUGG, Infant ~ born IL,
Black Male age 1/12
BUNCH, Colleen ~ born 1858 IL, White Female age 22
BURNS, Warren ~ born 1840 IA, White Male age 40
BURTH, John ~ born 1856
IL, White Male age 24
CAIN, Andrew ~ born 1832 Ireland, White Male age 48
CAMFIELD, William ~
born IL, Black Male age 5/12
CAMPBELL, Abbie ~ born IL, Black Female
age 7/30
CARMODY, Infant ~ born IL, White Male age 1/12
Barney ~ born 1857 IL, White Male age 23
CARTER, Nellie ~ born 1878 IL,
White Female age 2
CHILDRESS, Ernest ~ born 1790 IL, White Male age 1
CHOATE, Edward ~ born 1859 OH, White Male age 21
CLARK, Geo W ~ born 1800
TN, White Male age 80
CLARK, Susan ~ born 1773 IL, White Female age 77
CLUTS, John ~ born 1867 IL, White age 13
CLUTTS, J.M. ~ born 1877 IL,
White Male age 3
COFFIE, A.J. ~ born 1848 GA, White Male age 32
Maggie ~ born 1879 IL, White Female age 1
CONANT, Babe ~ born , White
Female age 1/12
CONNERS ~ born , White Female age 1/12
born 1855 OH, White Male age 25
COTNER, Eliza ~ born 1832 IL, White
Female age 48
COWELL, Lelie ~ born 1879 IL, White Female age 1
Hugh ~ born 1828 TN, White Male age 52
CRAKLY, Timothy ~ born 1815
Ireland, White Male age 65
CUMMINS, John ~ born 1858 IL, White Male age
DALTON, Infant ~ born IL, White Female age 1/30
DALTON, S.L. ~ born 1843
KY, White Female age 37
DAVIDSON, G. ~ born 1871 IN, White Male age
DAVIS, William ~ born 1830 Scotland, White Male age 50
Clarence ~ born 1867 IL, White Male age 13
DAY, Saml ~ born 1845 IL,
White Male age 35
DENTON, Arzella ~ born IL, White Female age 9/12
DEVINE, Dennis ~ born 1825 Ireland, White Male age 55
DINGLEY, Catharine
~ born 1820 IL, White Female age 60
DORRY, Elizabeth ~ born IL, Black
Female age 3/12
DURHAM, Mary ~ born 1845 IL, White Female age 35
EARL, Infant ~ born IL, White Female age 1/12
EASLEY, Robert ~ born 1879
IL, White Male age 1
ESTES, Infant ~ born IL, White Female age SB
ETHER, Arabel ~ born 1850 IL, White Female age 30
ETHER, Simon ~ born
1814 Germany, White Male age 66
FIELDS, Miles ~ born 1848 IL, Black Male
age 32
FITZGERRALD, Michael ~ born IL, White Male age 2/12
Wm. H ~ born 1820 IL, White Male age 60
GALLE, Josie ~ born 1879 IL, White Female age 1
GARAGKY, Lucy ~ born 1878
IL, White Female age 2
GASH, James ~ born 1834 England, White Male
age 46
GEESE, Burrel ~ born 1844 IN, White Male age 36
~ born 1879 IL, Black Female age 1
GILSON, F ~ born 1830 NY, White Male
age 50
GIPSON, Emma ~ born 1878 IL, Black Female age 2
Lucinda ~ born IL, Black Female age 10/30
GOODMAN, Soffie ~ born 1828 NC,
White Female age 52
GOSSMAN, H ~ born 1878 IL, White Male age 2
GRAHAM, Artie ~ born 1879 IL, White Female age 1
GRAVES, Effy ~ born 1871
IL, White Female age 9
GRIGGS, Nancy ~ born 1862 IL, White Female age 18
HADLER, Wm ~ born 1864 IL, White Male age 16
HADLEY, William C. ~ born
IL, White Male age 7/12
HADLEY, William M. ~ born 1876 IL, White
Male age 4
HAFNER, L F ~ born 1879 IL, White Male age 1
HALL, Louvina
~ born 1853 MS, Black Female age 27
HANNEY, Ursula ~ born 1848 IN, White
Female age 32
HANNY, Clayton ~ born IL, White Male age 2/12
Sophronia ~ born 1868 IL, Black Female age 12
HARDIN, Wm ~ born 1852 IL,
White Male age 28
HARGES, Pandora F. ~ born 1855 IL, White Female age 25
HARRIS, Carolin ~ born 1856 IL, Black Female age 24
HARRIS, Littleton ~
born 1860 IL, White Male age 20
HARRIS, Thomas ~ born 1824 MO, Male age
HICKS, Isaac ~ born 1859 TN, White Male age 21
HIGGINS, Michael ~
born 1826 Ireland, White Male age 54
HINES, Anna ~ born 1878 IL, White
Female age 2
HODGES, Alex c. ~ born 1853 IL, White Male age 27
Edmond ~ born 1847 IL, White Male age 33
HOLMES, Adaline ~ born 1838 TN,
White Female age 42
HOLMES, Henry ~ born IL, Black Male age 5/12
HOLMES, Susie ~ born IL, White Female age 9/12
HOWARD, Staysey ~ born IL,
Black Female age 1/12
HUGHES, Jane ~ born 1860 IL, Black Female age 20
HULL, Henry ~ born 1849 MS, Black Male age 31
HUTCHINSON, George ~ born
IL, White Male age 3/12
IMAEL, Infant ~ born IL, Black Male age 9/12
IRWIN, Isaac ~ born 1825 IL,
Black Male age 55
IRWIN, Mary ~ born IL, Black Female age 7/30
ISRAEL, Infant ~ born IL, Black Male age 9/30
JEFFERSON, Augustus ~ born IL, Black Male age 2/12
JOHNS, Minnie ~ born
IL, White Female age 1/30
JOHNSON, Annie ~ born 1830 TN, Black
Female age 50
JOHNSON, Auther ~ born 1855 KY, Black Female age 25
JOHNSON, Emma ~ born 1873 KY, Black Female age 7
JOHNSON, Fannie ~ born
1800 VA, Black Female age 80
JOHNSON, Milly ~ born IL, Black Female age
JOHNSON, Rosa ~ born IL, Black Female age SB
JONES ~ born IL,
White Female age 3hrs
JONES, Babe ~ born IL, White Female age 1/12
JONES, Jno ~ born 1876 IL, Black Male age 4
KEATING, Jno ~ born 1853 IL, White Male age 27
KELLEY, Christopher ~ born
1828 Ireland, White Male age 52
KELLY, Julia ~ born 1827 Ireland,
White Female age 53
KENNADA, Wm ~ born IL, White Male age 7/12
KICKMAN, Maria ~ born 1858 Washington DC, White Female age 22
Laura ~ born 1878 IL, White Female age 2
KING, Wm H ~ born 1879 IL, White
Male age 1
KLUGE, Wm ~ born 1876 IL, White Male age 4
KOCH, Francis ~
born 1842 Bavaria, White Female age 38
KRATZKY, Atta ~ born 1877 IL,
White Male age 3
LAHN, Catharine ~ born 1837 Hannover, White Female age 43
~ born 1845 TN, Black Female age 35
LAZAR ~ born IL, White Male age
3 hrs
LEE, Elisha ~ born 1872 IL, White Male age 8
LEE, Hannah ~ born
1782 VA, White Female age 98
LEMM, Louisa ~ born 1858 Preuben, White
Female age 22
LEVENTE, Alex ~ born 1844 IL, White Male age 36
William ~ born 1866 IL, Black Male age 14
LIGGINS, William ~ born 1869
IL, Black Male age 11
LIGHT, Sarah E ~ born 1847 IL, White Female age 33
LINDLY, William ~ born 1857 IL, White Male age 23
LONERGAN, John K ~ born
1863 IL, White Male age 17
LOVIN, Jeremiah ~ born 1842 TN, Black Male age
LUCKEY, Lucilla ~ born 1875 TN, Black Female age 5
LYNCH, Michael ~
born 1806 Ireland, White Male age 74
MARON, Robt ~ born 1845 IL, Black Male age 35
MARTIN, John ~ born 1853
AL, Black Male age 27
MARTINAC, Johnson ~ born 1878 IL, White Female
age 2
MASON, Anna ~ born 1855 KY, White Female age 25
MASON, Betsy ~
born 1844 IL, Black Female age 36
MASON, Elijah ~ born 1840 KY, Black
Male age 40
MATTOCK, William ~ born IL, White Male age 1/12
MAY, Elen
~ born 1878 IL, White Female age 2
MCALISTER, Pink ~ born IL, Black Male
age 9/30
MCCABE, Mary ~ born 1856 IL, White Female age 24
~ born 1859 IL, White Male age 21
MCCLURE, Samuel ~ born 1879 IL, White
Male age 1
MCCORMICK, Wm ~ born 1810 Ireland, White Male age 70
MCENTIRE, Odelia ~ born IL, White Female age 8/12
MCFADDEN, Thomas ~ born
IL, Black Male age 1/12
MCFADDEN, Vatia ~ born 1877 TN, Black Female age
MCILVOY, Rovena ~ born IL, White Female age 5 hrs
born 1878 IL, White Male age 2
METLER, G. P. ~ born 1861 IL, White Male
age 19
MICHEL, Sarah ~ born 1855 TN, White Female age 25
~ born IL, White Male age 1/12
MILLER, Charles ~ born 1866 IL, Black Male
age 14
MILLER, Godfrey ~ born IL, White Male age 9/12
MIMS, Hannah ~
born 1840 KY, Black Female age 40
MIMS, Washington ~ born 1840 MS, Black
Male age 40
MINTON, Lula ~ born 1878 IL, White Female age 2
Thomas ~ born 1849 IN, White Male age 31
MORARY, Gen L ~ born 1864 NC,
White Male age 16
MORGAN, Laura ~ born 1872 IL, White Female age 8
MORGAN, Martha ~ born 1857 TN, White Female age 23
MORRIS, Mary Alice ~
born 1872 IL, White Female age 8
MOSEY, Hattie ~ born IL, White Female
age 5/12
MOWERY, Clora ~ born 1862 NC, White Female age 18
NANCE, Mary ~ born 1879 IL, White Female age 1
NAUGHTON, William ~ born
1859 Ireland, White Male age 21
NORMAN, Lewis ~ born 1815 OH, White
Male age 65
NORMAN, Robert ~ born 1877 IL, Black Male age 3
Robt ~ born 1876 IL, Black Male age 4
O'CALLAHAN, Richd ~ born 1859 IL, White Male age 21
O'CONNER, Thos ~ born
1856 OH, White Male age 24
O'LEARY, Nellie ~ born IL, White Female
age 10/12
PARKER, Jasper ~ born 1850 IL, White Male age 30
PAYNE, Reuben ~ born IL,
White Male age 6/12
PEELER, Frank J ~ born 1878 IL, White Male age 2
PENDLE, Nancy ~ born 1876 IL, White Female age 4
PERRY, John I ~ born IL,
White Male age 4/12
PORTER, Susan ~ born 1831 TN, Black Female age 49
POWERS, Mickle ~ born 1878 IL, White Male age 2
PRESTON, John ~ born 1866
MS, Black Male age 14
PRICE, Caroline ~ born 1864 IL, White Female age 16
PRICE, Mary ~ born 1879 TN, Black Female age 1
PYATT, P ~ born IL, White
Male age 1/12
READ, Jno ~ born 1870 IL, White Male age 10
RENDALL, Frankie ~ born 1877
VA, White Male age 3
ROBERTSON, Hariett R ~ born 1807 VA, White
Female age 73
ROESSER, Philippine ~ born 1831 Bavaria, White Female age
SACKEY, Ellen ~ born 1856 SC, White Female age 24
SAMP, Vera ~ born IL,
White Female age 3/12
SAMS, Nathan ~ born 1814 IL, White Male age 66
SANDALL, Wm ~ born 1816 TN, White Male age 64
SANDERS, Carrie ~ born 1879
IL, White Female age 1
SCHEIDER, Nora ~ born 1879 IL, White Female age 1
SCHREIBER, Francis ~ born 1874 IL, White Female age 6
SCOTT, John W. ~
born KY, White Male age 6/12
SCULES, Mary ~ born 1840 IL, White Female
age 40
SEWARD, John D. ~ born 1874 IL, Black Male age 6
~ born 1834 IL, Black Male age 46
SHEPARD, Elvira ~ born 1845 IL, White
Female age 35
SMITH, Augusta ~ born 1879 IL, Black Female age 1
Birdie ~ born 1877 IL, Black Male age 3
SMITH, Elisabeth ~ born 1856 IL,
White Female age 24
SMITH, James ~ born 1876 TN, Black Male age 4
SMITH, Martha ~ born IL, Black Female age 21/30
SOVEL, Frank ~ born 1850
IL, White Male age 30
STACKER, Margaret ~ born 1836 MS, Black Female age
STEGAR, Eugenia ~ born 1879 IL, White Female age 1
STEPHEN, Frank ~
born 1862 IL, White Male age 18
STIVES, Alice ~ born IL, White Female age
STRANGE, Nathan ~ born 1832 GA, Black Male age 48
STROUD, Eddie ~
born 1876 IL, White Male age 4
STROUD, Effie V. ~ born 1870 IL, White
Female age 10
SUIRE, David ~ born IL, Black Male age 6/12
Dennis ~ born 1848 IL, White Male age 32
SULLIVAN, Mary A. ~ born 1845
Ireland, White Female age 35
SUNFORD, Infant ~ born IL, Black Male age
SWEENEY, John ~ born 1867 IL, White Male age 13
SWENEY, Nancy ~
born 1843 AL, White Female age 37
THOMAS, Belle ~ born 1840 TN, Black Female age 40
THOMAS, Sallie ~ born
1879 IL, Black Female age 1
THOMPSON, ~ born IL, White Male age 0
THOMPSON, Jno ~ born 1879 IL, White Male age 1
THOPLE, John ~ born 1824
France, White Male age 56
TILLMAN, Biddie ~ born 1851 TN, Black Female
age 29
TREECE, Daniel ~ born KY, Black Male age 6/12
VAN ALMAN, Jno W. ~ born IL, White Male age 11/12
born IL, Black Male age 1/12
WADKINS, Mary ~ born 1830 MS, Black Female age 50
WALL, John ~ born 1878
IL, White Male age 2
WALLACE, Sarah ~ born 1873 IL, White Female age
WALLS, Jno ~ born 1877 IL, White Male age 3
WARD, Coleman ~ born
1862 AR, Black Male age 18
WASHINGTON, Joseph ~ born 1879 IL, Black Male
age 1
WATTHER, Joseph ~ born 1843 PA, White Male age 37
Alfred ~ born IL, White Male age 9/12
WHITTAKER, Jno ~ born 1807 IL,
White Male age 73
WILLIAMS, Henry ~ born LA, Black Male age SB
WILLIAMS, Susan ~ born 1867 IL, White Female age 13
WILSON, Albt ~ born
1845 AR, Black Male age 35
WILSON, David A. ~ born IL, White Male age
WINGO, Harry ~ born IL, Black Male age 2/12
WITT, Rebecca ~ born
1815 TN, White Female age 65
WOOD, James ~ born 1873 IL, White Male age 7
WOODEN, George ~ born IL, Black Male age 3/12
WOODS, Emmerson ~ born IL,
White Male age 1/12
YANCER, Wm ~ born 1864 IL, White Male age 16
YEFONG, Royal P. ~ born 1879
IL, White Female age 1
Contributed by Anonymous
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