JAMES DEXTER, farmer, P. O. Ullin, Pulaski County. Silas Dexter, the father of James Dexter, was born in Pulaski County and resided there until manhood and then married Miss Sallie Rhodes. The twain then settled in Alexander County, about three miles from Sandusky, and there our subject, the youngest of the children, was born, February 6, 1852. His father died when he was about six years of age, and his mother there married a Mr. Holmes, but she only lived about a year after her second marriage. Mr. Jefferson Holmes then took our subject and raised him and young Dexter remained with Mr. Holmes until the latter died in the army, and during that time was probably permitted to go to school about three months. Subject next went to live with a brother of his former foster father, and remained there about three years. During the next eight or nine years, he worked for different farmers, and when he was twenty-four years of age made his first purchase of land, a farm of eighty acres in Section 15, Township 14, Range 1 west. Of the original place, about forty acres were cleared; his farm has since been increased to one of 130 acres, seven ty of which are cultivated. Subject was married, August 0, 1874, to Malinda J. Mowry, daughter of David and Betsey (Dillow) Mowry. She is the mother of five children, four of whom are living — Silas Edward, born March 2, 1877; Sarah Jane, born March 2. 1879; Cora Levina, born January 22, 1881, and a baby boy November 26. 1882. Mr. Dexter is a member of the German Reformed Church, and in politics is a Democrat.
Extracted 29 Mar 2017 by Norma Hass from 1883 History of Alexander, Union, and Pulaski Counties, Illinois, pages 220-221.
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